By the time Lisha stepped out into the cold air, her cheeks were no longer burning and she could keep her thoughts on the icy path. It was dark, almost night, and the long shadows crossed over treacherous patches of ice and deep piles of slush. Without most of the students and staff at the university, there was only a token effort to keep the walks clear. It didn't take long before she was shivering from the snow and ice that covered her legs clear up to her knees.

Lisha wished she could risk summoning a fire pixie like Penelope did. Even in the mostly abandoned paths, she couldn't risk getting caught with an illegal summoning. She didn't know how the administrative staff was taking the winter break, but she was absolutely sure they would either be overloaded with bored students or looking for someone to punish. Either way, it would mean a quick trip off the campus and sent him in the dead of winter.

A cold wind blew across the quad and she shivered. Her coat was heavy, but not heavy enough. She had her winter skirts, though after three days of having her fingers jammed into her cunt, it felt strange to have anything covering her legs.

She had forgone panties though. The heavy layers kept any cold wind from blowing through her public hair, but that didn't stop the slick sensation of her nether lips sliding against each other as fading images of the stories rolling her head.

As she walked, her thoughts raced through the fantasies until the one that still flickered the heat between her legs: the forbidden summoning. She let out her breath as she jammed her hands into her pockets, stroking her hips as the cloud blew past her.

It was alluring and intoxicating, to break the rules and also to see what Penelope got to enjoy. Though, she wasn't sure how she would ever be able to explain to her roommate how it happened. She dismissed it and promised she would only think about it while touching herself, not actually risk everything for orgasms that promised never to go stale or burn out.

Before she knew it, Lisha was at the mess hall. Most of the lights were off and the building looked dark. She stopped and stared at it, unsure if it was still open. The idea of going back and eating the rations didn't excite her, but with her thoughts, she wasn't sure if she could trust herself not to break her promise seconds after returning to the empty dorm.

She took a deep breath and headed closer. Maybe someone would take pity on her.

One of the doors opened. A tall woman stepped out with a bag of garbage. She had long, reddish hair that the wind caught and it flared behind her in a halo of red with white tips. Despite the cold, she only wore what appeared to be tiny shorts and a white tank top. Heat boiled off her as she strode across the front of the building on the way to the alley; the snow and wind separated around her and she seem to notice the cold.

Lisha froze as her eyes locked on the beauty. It was Sorrel, the most famous of the ten-year students, the queen of the campus, and the pride of the college. Lisha and Penelope had gone to the last six of Sorrel's tournaments where the red-haired woman had crushed her opponents with a dazzling combination of martial arts and combat magic.

Unless Penelope and Lisha, Sorrel was an evoker. She could summon fireballs, lances of lightning, and even bolts of frost with dazzling skill that already ranked her among the country's most talented battle mages.

Lisha let out a soft sigh. Sorrel was everything she wasn't: brains, beauty, and good looks. Everyone wanted to be with her and Sorrel made no effort to dismiss the rumors that she had bedded half the upper class and teachers.

Realizing that she couldn't face the woman she admired, Lisha turned and headed back. Rations didn't seem so bad if she didn't have to face the upperclassman in an awkward solutions.


Lisha cringed as Sorrel called out. Trembling, she peeked over her shoulder.

Sorrel stood at the entrance of the alley after dumping off the garbage. She was looking straight at her. Slowly, she jammed one hand into her pocket and the waistband dipped down to reveal a wedge of bare skin. “Looking for dinner?”

Lisha flushed and shook her head. “N-No, I wasn't—”

Sorrel snapped her fingers and pointed to the door. “Come on.”

Without waiting for answer, she strode back toward the entrance into the building.

For a moment, Lisha considered fleeing but then Sorrel looked at her without slowing down. Even from a distance, the look was intense. It felt like it was tugging on Lisha, demanding that she come closer.

The heat from her fantasies rose up, triggered by the stories of women being forced to submit. Penelope preferred guys, just like Lisha, and the stories were all men dominating women, but there was something about the look that brought back the images to the foreground.

Her pussy clenched as Lisha let out a shuddering breath.

Sorrel stopped by the door, looking at it.

Lisha could feel the pressure rising, the need to obey. She couldn't resist for long and hurried along. With every step, she grew more nervous as Sorrel towered over her by easily a quarter meter.

The upperclassman smelled of ozone and ash. The heat rolling off her body caused the snow to shimmer and droplets to ooze along the piles heaped on either side of the path.

As Lisha reached her, Sorrel finally turned around. Her eyes were an bright green, almost white, as she looked over Lisha from head to toe. It was appraising and hungry. Slowly, Sorrel smiled broadly.

Lisha trembled as her breath quickened. She could feel herself growing slick underneath her skirt, a proposition that terrified her since she had never found attraction with another woman before.

“You look like you need food.”


“Come on, get inside. You're shivering.” Sorrel's voice was low and sultry, the same hunger of some predatory creature circling her prey than a friendly offer for food. She turned and headed up the stairs.

Lisha's eyes caught a flash of bare skin and she looked down to see that Sorrel wasn't wearing a pair of shorts but a miniskirt. The tight black material stretched around a pair of buttocks that was harder than steel. Beneath them, she could catch just a peek of bare pussy lips nestled between her muscular thighs.

Ears burning, Lisha yanked her eyes back up.

Sorrel smiled at her and held the door open. The wood pressed against her breasts as she gestured inside. “Come on, I'm sure you're cold and hungry.”

“I… I am. Thank you.”

“Aww, a little shy?”

Lisha nodded. She had never gotten so close to Sorrel and she had no clue what to say.

“Don't worry, there is still another half bell before we close and plenty of time for something warm for your belly.”

Lisha clutched herself as she let Sorrel guide her inside. The battle mage's hand was large and firm as she gently pushed Lisha ahead of her, walking her down the hall and into a large dining area.

The hall was empty except for a couple students at one end, a pair of teachers at the other. The rest was large enough for a hundred students but was empty and dark.

Sorrel finally passed her. “Find a seat. What do you eat?”

Lisha reached for the nearest chair. “Um, just about anything.”

Sorrel made a little noise.

Lisha flinched and looked up.

The taller woman gestured to one of the edges of the dining hall, where the lights were low. There was no one else close to the spot.

Lisha's heart beat against her chest as she looked at Sorrel with fright.

Sorrel smiled brilliantly. “Come on, you're shy. You don't want to be by the door, that's where everyone is going to be walking and an open invitation to talk.” She chuckled. “Or something else, if you aren't careful.”

Unsure why she was responding, Lisha blushed at the words as images of her being pushed to her knees in front of the beautiful woman flashed through her mind. She ground her thighs together as she nodded. “T-Thank you.”

“Go on, I'll bring you your food.”

Lisha headed to the quiet part and sat down. She took a deep breath before pressing her knees together and resting her hand. She was slick and her heart was beating against her chest. After a few minutes, the heat was too much and she shrugged off her coat.

Sorrel returned with two trays of food. There were steaming bowls of stew, plates with two pieces of cakes, some fresh citrus fruit, and even a large pitcher of lemonade.

Lisha stared as the shining star of the campus sat down across from her.

Sorrel took a bite out of some bread before she looked up. Then she grinned. “What? Do you mind if I eat with you?”

There was no way Lisha could say no. Up close, Sorrel was even more beautiful than before. Her skin was flawless and every movement liquid and sure. Stammering, she shook her head. “N-No, it's okay.”

With a trembling hand, she grabbed a spoon and started in on her soup.

Sorrel said nothing, to Lisha's relief.

Occasionally, when Lisha peeked up, Sorrel's attention was on the rest of the room.

“How are you holding up?”

Lisha jumped at the question. “W-What?”

Sorrel smiled at her. “Your first winter break here?”

“No, my third.”

“Third? You're a fourth or fifth year?”

“Um… second. I came last winter… I missed a semester.”

Sorrel cocked her head. “I remember you.”

Lisha's eyes opened wide.

With a grin, Sorrel gestured with her bread. “The cutie from Balkim.”

A whimper escaped Lisha's lips.

Sorrel grinned and shrugged. “Some girls in my class were talking about you. I could have sworn you were fourth year, at least judging from your scores on the summoning trials.”

The spoon in Lisha's hand shook. “I-I thought those were private.”

Sorrel shrugged. “Sort of, but not for the higher students. We help teach classes, so my roommate was curious about you and looked you up.” She grinned and leaned forward. “To be honest, I think she was hoping you would return some of her affections.”

Lisha's mind spun furiously as she remembered a slender teaching assistant from earlier that year. She was a dark-haired beauty who specialized in summoning shadows; she also had smokey eyes that always bore into Lisha whenever they had one-on-one training.

It never occurred to Lisha that the tutoring was anything other than help. Though, with hindsight, the way Missy had sat next to her on the bench or the occasional touches along her thigh suddenly made a lot more sense.


Sorrel laughed. “oh, Missy is going to be so humiliated. You didn't realize she was into you?”


“You into girls?”

Before winter break, Lisha would have emphatically said no. But stories of men and women fucking, the way Penelope's scent intruded her thoughts while she was reading, and even her own attempts to duplicate the scenes on the page had blurred the edge. Now she was sitting across from the most desireable woman on the campus, blushing as if she had a crush on her.

Sorrel pushed her plate to the side and then leaned on her elbow. Her bright green eyes bore into Lisha's. “I'm going to say you are definitely into girls.” Her voice was playful but her eyes were ravenous.

“W-What?” Lisha shook her head. “N-No, I'm not.”

“Most people don't respond to my aura unless they were thinking about it.”

Lisha stared at her.

Sorrel winked. “Ground yourself, your shields are leaking.”

Shielding and grounding, one of the first lessons that all mages learned in the school. Despite her pounding heart and blushing cheeks, Lisha focused her attention on her core energies and saw that they were a chaotic mess. Humiliation iced down her thoughts as she concentrated and forced herself to calm down, to smooth out the energies until she could ground herself into the rock beneath her feet and build up a wall of protective forces around her being.

As the shields settled into place, she could sense Sorrel's aura. It was a wave of energies radiating from the beautiful woman. Thoughts of lust and desire reached out and caressed her shield, sending little quivers along Lisha's magical senses but no longer penetrating her thoughts.

Lisha's humiliation grew as she felt her mind clear. But, not all of the excitement adn desire faded. She was still wet between her thighs and she could catch whiff of her own excitement teasing the edges of her senses; though it could be the smell clinging to her own fingertips and body.

It was the words and her imagination that had betrayed her, making her open to the lust. But, even with the shielding protecting her mind, the images of being forced to her knees or pinned to the wall behind her, tickled her thoughts.

Sorrel grinned. “There you go. Head a little more clear.”

Lisha nodded. “Why?”

Sorrel shrugged and looked over the room. “I'm bored. I've been here ten years and haven't been home since. Every winter break, I sit here and try to find something to do.” Her eyes slid back to Lisha. “Or someone.”

“I'm… I'm not….”

Sorrel held up her hand. “No means no. I wouldn't have allowed it to go anywhere unless I was absolutely sure it was your thoughts that got your pussy soaked and not my aura.”

Lisha's pussy clenched at the mention. A squelch of moisture escaped and moistened her thighs. She gasped as the blush came rushing back. “How did you know!?”

Then she realized she had yelled her worlds. She cringed as she looked around to see if anyone else noticed.

Sorrel turned and laughed. “Oh my fucking stars, you are adorable!”

Lisha flinched.

Turning back to Lisha, Sorrel held out her hand. “No more enchantments, okay? No more auras.”


Sorrel took a swig of her lemonade. “So, haven't been home since you got here?”

For a moment, Lisha couldn't say anything. She reached out for her senses to see if Sorrel was using any magic, but there were no spells in the air. She hesitated a while longer, then nodded.

“By choice or your family didn't want you?”

“I… it was expensive and they weren't happy with my choice.”

“Lucky. I heard you scored well on the entrance exams.”

“Um, highest in my summoning class.”

“That's pretty impressive. You have a lot of competition. Let's see, there is Ginny, Jackie, and Penelope near the top.”

“Pen is my roommate.”

Sorrel's eyebrow raised.


“Oh, nothing,” Sorrel said but there was definitely something in her thoughts and behind the sudden smile. “What kind of creatures do you specialize in?”

“I seem to be leaning toward a general competency. Nothing jumps up as being easy and I can sustain summoning for a long time, longer than anyone else in my class….”

With the gentle questioning, Lisha found herself relaxing as she talked about class and her studies.