Aster had a smile plastered on her lips as she worked her way through the casino. It was partially faked and genuine at the same time.

The fake part was because regulations required her to be always smiling in front of a traveler. There were enough scanners that the company charged her for every second that there wasn't a smile plastered on her lips.

The genuine joy was because of all the sexy aliens that surrounding her. She couldn't help but let her imagination play through each alien that came into view, every touch of slick digits on her arm, or the occasional bump against her rear. She was pretty sure some of the nudges against her ass or breast were less accidental and more of an opening gambit.

With a soft moan that couldn't be heard over the din, she swayed with every step and let her body be mauled and touched and groped. The only difficulty was keeping the tray steady in her hand. It was half filled with digestible pods filled with various alcoholic drinks and hunks of fruit. The spheres jiggled with her movement, matching the shift of her breasts in the tight uniform or the way her Obergreen Blue of Dedication™ hair swayed.

She spotted someone holding up their hand. After working her way closer, she saw it was one of the worg wives, the one that had snarled at her.

Their eyes met for a moment and there was a passing recognition. Then she crooked her finger to beckon Aster closer.

As Aster approached, she felt a scaly hand sliding up her buttock. She smiled to herself and hesitated only slightly as sharp claws teased the cleft of her buttocks and pulled her cheek to the side. The tip scratched close to her asshole but then she had to pull away to service the worg that had called her.

The worg wife leaned over. “What liquids are in there?” She has low, raspy voice that sent a little thrill coursing down her spine.

Aster turned slightly to the side and leaned toward the worg, moving until her breasts were just centimeters away from the alien's shoulder.

Unlike Aster's uniform, the worg wife had a black, strapless dress that clung to the short hairs on her firm, small breasts. It had open slits down the side that showed the mounds of the other breasts that ran down a line down to her abdomen. The nipples were covered but there was no hiding that she had six, firm mounds on her lithe, muscular body.

Aster held the tray in front of them. With her other hand, she started to point to the options she had. “This is an old apricot brandy which will have a rich smokey taste for your senses. There is also a hundred year bourbon but I don't recommend that. With your taste buds, the corn in the drink is going to have an unpleasant mint-like taste. Also, I believe your species isn't fond of terrestrial strawberries.”

The worg wife leaned against Aster, her body hot even through the uniform. One hand rested lightly on Aster's thigh.

Suddenly flushed, Aster had to clear her throat before she spoke. She picked up an almost clear pod with her blue uniform gloves and held it in her palm. “However, if you had to choose, I would go with this Naglorian abas. It is paired with a crisp jali fruit, a bit like a Solar apple. It will have a bitter start for you but I've been told it ends on a slightly salty but sweet note. It is also known as salted caramel in some worg circles. The crunch of the jali is also pleasing.”

The hand on her thigh slid down, tracing Aster's thigh until the fingertips dipped below her uniform's skirt. The pads of the worg's fingertips were soft, like delicate leather. It was warm at the touch. The worg looked at her directly and her green eyes were almost glowing. “You know a lot about our tongues?”

Aster's thigh muscles clenched as a surge of heat and liquid flooded her. She smiled and leaned closer. “Not as much as I want to.”

Zoil: Holy shit, is Aster getting traction on the wolf bitch?

Ginnie: Really? Where? Send a picture, damn it! I'm stuck filling the buffet.

Zoil: I'm hoping that the bitch is really a guy and Aster gets her ass knotted.

Zoil has escrowed 0.00200 PERV for “Aster gets her ass knotted.”

Ginnie has escrowed 0.0005 PERV for “Zoil gets a knot up his ass before the end of the trip.”

Aster had to fight the urge to snicker. She focused on the worg female's face as she responded.

Aster: I just think she smells really nice.

Zoil: She almost bit my head off when I told her good morning.

Across the network, others on the private network agreed. No one seemed to like the worg in front of her. They were more interested in the husband and his massive cock. The other wife was also sweeter.

Aster: What's her name?

Lyman: Ibby Fangli.

Aster tipped Lyman 0.00024 PERV.

Zoil tipped Lyman 0.00001 PERV.

Lyman: Thanks, but I'd rather be back there getting laid instead of being up here and making sure none of you die.

Ginnie: Oh please, you were fucking the worg's husband only a few hours ago. You're lucky that they take turns parenting those monsters of theirs.

Unable to handle the distraction, Aster muted the feed and concentrated on the worg in front of her.

The female smiled broadly, her teeth peeking out. “Let me try the abas.”

Aster plucked the translucent pod from her tray. The jali rolled around inside it, the soaked fruit promising to give a powerful jolt. It was about twice the size of a large grape. She deftly rolled it across the back of her knuckles before flipping her hand over and letting it settle into her palm.

Ibby reached over with her free hand to pick it up. As she did, her lower hand slid up Aster's inner thigh and pushed the skirt up.

Aster let out a moan as she arched her back. The pod jiggled in her palm.

“You are very soft,” whispered the worg. She tilted her head back and opened her mouth. With a smile, she reached out with a long, agile tongue and rolled it around the digestible sphere before pulling it into her mouth.

At the same time, the creature's fingers wormed their way between Aster's thigh, hidden by their bodies and the tray.

Growing flushed, Aster lowered the tray to cover her lap and spread her knees further apart.

Ibby focused her brilliant green eyes on Aster before clamping her teeth down. The snap could be felt as a bolt but it was the soft fingers that jammed into the confines of Aster's thighs that caused the human to jump. The tips of her digits, the claws remarkably smooth ran down the length of Aster's slit.

Aster arched her back as she pried her thighs further open. Her eyes locked on the Ibby's. She had to open her mouth because it was hard to breathe through the tightness in her chest and the ache of her nipples against the inside of her uniform.

The worg gulped loudly. Her eyes wrinkled but then she let out a low, growling moan. Her fingers pressed tight against Aster's clitoris before slipping through the slick folds down to her sex.

She smiled and then opened her mouth. The alcohol-laden fruit rested on the tip of her tongue. With her free hand, she reached in to her tooth-lined muzzle to pluck it out and held it in her palm. “Please? We don't digest fruit well.”

It was hard to speak clearly with furry finger sliding along her slit, but Aster managed to shake her head. “I'm sorry. Regulations says I can't touch food once I serve it.”

Ibby cocked her head for a moment. Then she smiled. “Open your mouth, human.”

Aster's pussy grew hotter. She parted her lips further as Ibby lifted the piece of dripping fruit. She moaned as she felt it brush along her bottom teeth before the worg placed it on her tongue.

Before the alien completely withdrew her fingers, she dragged the leather-soft fingers along her tender lips. Her other hand was moving up and down, taking short strokes that plunged one finger-deep into Aster's pussy, dragging along the sensitive insides and drawing out copious juices to soak into the inside of the human's uniform.

Focusing into the Ibby's eyes, Aster slowly closed her mouth and bit down into the apple-like flesh of the fruit. Squirts of alcohol, tangy and sharp, flooded her mouth. She moaned and swirled it around in her mouth as the worg continued to finger her. Heady with the rich flavors and pleasures, it took Aster a few moments before she could swallow it.

Ibby nodded and then turned to pull something from the table she was playing at. She shoved a stack of cards toward the center of the board and swept a large pile of chips off the edge and into a wallet.

Aster leaned slightly but the finger in her cunt stopped her.

The alien pumped her fingers a few more times before slipping them from Aster's soaked sex. She licked on her fingers before giving an approving nod.

The human waited, hoping that the domineering worg had something more in mind.

She did. Ibby reached over and pressed a handful of chips in Aster's cleavage. Aster caught the sight of blacks and blues, probably about a hundred thousand credits worth. Surprised, she held herself still as she felt the coins starting to slip down into her uniform.

“Is there a quiet place to enjoy a drink?”

Aster connected to the private network.

Aster: I need a fuck room, now.

She had to mute the congratulations that flooded the network. There were seven of the crew on the network and they all spammed the network with every perverted success.

Lyman: You with the worg? A-113 would be the best one. I'll schedule three hours for you and key it to both of your biometrics. Someone willing to take the time?

Ginnie: I will.

Aster tipped Ginnie 0.00040 PERV.

A map and the room amenities showed on her retina for a moment and then faded.

Aster smiled. “Yes. A-113, it's discrete.”

“Bring a bottle of abas and meet me there.” Ibby released the coins pressed against Aster's chest and they slid down into her cleavage.

A moment later, Aster felt a fifty thousand credit chip lodge against her belly button. She stepped back as the worg stood up. She shoved the wallet into a pocket in her dress and strode away, her tail smacking against Aster's hip before she was gone.

Fighting the urge to moan, Aster pushed her skirt down and looked around. No one seemed to have noticed her being fingered in public. Well, she wasn't sure about the quaints in the corner near one of the high tech slot machines; they didn't really have eyes.

Aster: Lyman, could you get me a container of Naglorian abas? I'll stop by the crew quarters before heading to A-113.

Lyman: Got it, I'll throw it on your tab.

Aster finished straightening her uniform and made her way to the edge of the casino. By the time she got to the door, she had managed to serve the rest of the alcohol pods and only had the tray to handle as she cut across the space plane and down to the private sections.

It took her only a few minutes to drop the chips into her personal safe. There was hundred fifty thousand worth, about five times what she would make on the two week flight. A quick wipe down with a towelette and a chance to spruce up her uniform got her ready to visit her first fuck for the trip. She grabbed a small pack with lubricants, safe sex supplies, and a spare set of clothes before she left.

She was almost skipping as she headed down the service. To give the ruse she had a purpose, she held the empty tray at her side. Her pussy was slick with excitement and she couldn't help but imagine the Ibby's long tongue up against it. She absolutely loved feeling unnaturally long tongues lapping at her. If she was lucky, the worg would be willing to rim her ass too.

Ahead of her, Zoil came around the corner and strode down the hallway. He was a slender man, a twink, with the same sissy sway as the rest of the ladies. He was very popular with some of the larger creatures and his fondness for getting his ass reamed made him a life-long member of the pervert crew.

He held up his hands. In one was the expensive wooden box containing the abas. The other was empty.

With a wink, they traded tray and bottle without stopping.

Aster tipped Zoil 0.00030 PERV.

Aster tipped Lyman 0.00030 PERV.

A-113 was one of the rooms that was never occupied by a traveler. Unofficially, it was a company reserved room for low-profile guests, but in reality it was used by the executives to have a chance to do naughty or illegal things. However, there were a hundred thousand space ships currently in service and they were almost always empty.

Aster opened the door that unlocked automatically. The room was unoccupied. She hurried over to dump her bag in the closet and then over to the kitchen to pull out some rock glasses. Normally abas was drunk out of flutes, but the worgs had wider mouths and preferred the girth of the tumblers. Setting both in the quick freezer, she opened up the bottle and took a deep breath to enjoy the sharp warmth of the expensive spirits.

A light flashed to warn her there was someone outside of the door. She sent a mental command to the network to have it unlock loudly. Then she went to get the ice-cold glasses from the freezer.

The door swished open and Ibby walked in. Her ears were down, but then she looked at Aster as the human was bending over to retrieve the tumblers. A low grunt rewarded Aster's presentation of her bare ass and pussy. She could smell her excitement and knew the lights would show how excited she was.

The door slid shut and it locked quietly.

“You are well prepared,” Ibby said wryly.

Aster set down the glass and smiled. She suspected that Ibby liked to be served, she had that attitude. So she made a point of carefully pouring the abas into each bottle. It misted with contact with the glass and a ripple of haze rolled through the drink before it became clear again. “Corporate says we are to do anything to make sure you have a pleasant trip.”

“So this is purely professional?”

Aster held up the tumbler to Ibby. “I take great pleasure in doing my job. One might say it's my calling.”

Ibby nodded and then sipped at her drink with the side of her muzzle. “Oh, much better cold and without the fruit.”

Abby took a drink of her own. It felt good burning down her throat, the abas was bitter for humans but the intimacy was more than sweet enough for her. She licked her lips.

Taking another sip, Ibby stepped closer. Her dress rippled along her legs. The material clung along the short hairs that covered every centimeter of her lithe form. Even through the dress, Aster could see that all six of her nipples were large and protruding from the tips of her breasts. “How far are you willing to go?”

Aster smiled and rocked her hips back and forth. “As in consent?”

The worg nodded.

“No blood, no bruises. No injuries. I have to be able to do my job.”

“Submissive? Dominate?” The wrog's tail wagged back and forth.

“Whatever you want. I'm here to pleasure you and only you.”

Ibby stepped closer until they were only centimeters away. Her breath was hot against Aster's face. “What if it gets messy?”

Aster smiled broadly. “I have spare clothes.”

“Be careful with my dress, it was a present.”

Aster looked over the lithe woman. She had beautiful curves and muscles underneath the fur and fabric. She could smell Ibby's lust, a musky scent with a hint of richness. “Would you like me to take it off of you?”

Ibby's tail snapped to the side. She held up the glass to her mouth. “I'd rather you get on your knees. Keep your uniform on for now.”

Aster's pussy oozed excitement as she set her glass on the table and lowered herself to her knees. Her hands pressed against the floor to steady herself. Panting softly, she reached over to caress Ibby's furry legs. Underneath the short hairs were powerful muscles. They felt like steel as she ran her hands.

“Kiss my knees,” came a throaty command.

Aster licked her lips to taste the last bit of abas and then pressed her lips to the furry joint. It didn't matter to her that it was furry or that the smell of dander mixed in with perfume and musk. She thought it was the best smell she had ever enjoyed. Parting her lips, she drew the fur along her teeth as she kissed firmly against the hard muscles.

Ibby let out a soft growl of pleasure. Her body trembled as she tightened her legs underneath Aster's grip. One foot in a pair of fancy strapped shoes scraped against the ground as she parted her thighs. The smell of her excitement, a deep musk, drifted down from the darkness of her dress.

Aster slid her knees back so she could lean forward. As she did, she kissed along the worg's shins and down to her foot. With a smile, she planted kissed along the bony ridges of each toe until she reached the biggest toe. She kissed it.

A moan came from above her.

She kissed it again, sliding her lips along the painted tip.

“Oh… yes.”

Encouraged, Aster sucked on the toe. Her head bobbed slightly as she caressed the base of the claw with the tip of her tongue.

Ibby suddenly grabbed the table next to them. “Horg!” It was the worg's version of “fuck!” She yanked her toe from Aster's mouth to drag it back. Her shoe caught on the ground as she kicked it off.

Aster reached out and grabbed her ankle to bring the bare toe back to her mouth.

Ibby practically shoved it back in, the force bruising Aster's lips. “More!” she growled.

“As you wish,” Aster said before she clamped her mouth and sucked on the toe. Her lips dragged along the moist fur, getting it damper as she sucked harder.

As Ibby moaned even louder. “Oh, Polis or Oichar never do that. Horg, your mouth is so soft.”

Aster tried to spread her knees further apart. Her uniform skirt prevented her until she reached back to pull it up over the curves of her ass and expose her naked sex to the warm air of the cabin. She balanced easily as she sucked on the worg's toe until she could bring her hands back up to continue worshiping the feet before her.

When Ibby demanded Aster switch to her other foot, Aster obeyed with a smile and a wiggle of her ass.

That brought another moan. “Like a hairless little puppy.”

She rocked her ass back and forth, dragging the skirt along the ground and spreading her legs more. She was dripping wet, but she had no hurry to finger herself. She suspected there might be a worg tongue there soon enough.

By the time Aster had completely lathered the worg's toes, she could tell that Ibby wanted something more. Still shaking her ass, she started to plant kisses up the alien's leg.

Ibby reached down to grab at Aster's head. Her grip clamped down as she fumbled to grab her hair. It stung when she wrapped Aster's hands around her fist and pulled her up. “H-Higher,” she commanded.

Aster gasped as she tilted her head back. Her mouth opened even as she was pushing the delicate dress up over the muscular thighs and to Ibby's hips. She gripped the hard bones for balance before shoving her face into the furry sex in front of her.

The heady scent of Ibby's pussy was wonderful. Aster shoved her nose against it and loudly sniffed.

Ibby shuddered as her hand tightened on Aster's head.

With a moan, Aster did it again. She could tell how much the worg was turned on by hearing the loud sniffs. Every time she did it, she could tell there was more moisture soaking the thick patch of hair that guarded the treasure underneath.

“Lick it!”

Aster opened her mouth and sucked harder, drawing the thick fluids from the matted fur and gulping loudly. It was better than any alcohol and stronger than anything offered on the flight.

As she did, she used the tip of her tongue to drag through the airs, separating them with long strokes until she reached the searing hot folds of the alien's cunt. A flood of strong juices poured into her mouth and the body underneath her shuddered with pleasure.

The hand holding her hair gripped her tightly, twisting hard as Ibby jammed Aster's mouth painfully hard against her sex. “Harder, you fucking pup!”

Aster smiled and sucked with all her might. She had to gulp at the hot liquid but much of it smeared across her face, cheeks, and chin. She ground her breasts against Ibby's thighs as she lapped harder.

As she lapped and tongued the heated sex, the worg ground and humped Aster's face. Their movements spread her juices everywhere but neither of them seemed to care other than the growing, heated pleasure that filled their bodies.

Aster was happily lapping when suddenly Ibby yanked her head back. She panted as she looked up at the dominating worg, her breasts heaving.

“Take your horg-damned clothes off! Now!”

They both separated to yanked their clothes off. Aster was naked first—she had a lot of practice—so she got to enjoy the beautiful sight of Ibby's stripping down. When the alien pulled the dress from her body, Aster couldn't help but admire the curves of her six breasts. Each one was covered in downy hairs with only the large, wide nipples sticking out of each top.

Moaning with lust, Abby crawled over and caught the bottom one just as Ibby dropped her dress to the floor. She ground her own breasts against the furry legs as she sucked on the hard nipple.

Ibby swayed with lust, her pussy getting even wetter. “Horg,” she gasped as she grabbed Aster's head and ground it tighter. “Suck harder.”

Aster almost came at the command and obeyed. She ran her lips around the firm end before spreading to suck on the short furs. They were very short, almost a fuzz, but they had a sweeter taste than she expected.

Then a squirt of sweet milk flooded her mouth.

Both of them froze.

Ibby shuddered. “T-There is a little. The puppies just finished weaning.”

Aster lifted her head, letting the nipple pop out of her mouth. “Do you want me to continue?”

A low moan of pleasure. “Just a little. They're sensitive and I don't want to get started again. We just had my last litter.” Some of the hardness faded. “This trip was to celebrate.”

Aster thought for a moment, trying to remember the right word for “mommy” in the worg's language. “Yes, abail.”

Ibby's eyes widened as she let out a gasp.

With a grin, Aster brought her mouth to the other lower nipple and sucked hard. One of her hands clamped on Ibby's buttock and the other slid up to jam two fingers into the tight opening. The ass cheek underneath her palm felt like steel, hard and powerful.

It didn't take her long to move her mouth from nipple to nipple until she was squatting to keep the sixth one firmly in her mouth. She sucked hard, enjoying the sweet taste.

Ibby's claws dug into the back of her head as she held Aster to her breast. She was only giving the human a minute to suck before pulling her to the next one.

Aster was curious what would happen next but she found out soon enough.

Ibby yanked her head back and leaned forward. Drool coated to the side of her mouth. She parted her muzzle for a moment before leaning forward.

Aster's heart skipped a beat, unsure if something horrible was about to happen. But when Ibby's tongue slathered across her face, Aster let out a moan. She leaned into the rasp of the alien's tongue.

“You taste good.”

With a giggle, Aster said, “That's mostly you.”

Ibby stepped forward, forcing Aster back toward the bed. “I taste good too.”

“You do.”

“Call me abail again. I like that.”

Aster parted her lips and whispered, “Yes, abail.”

The edge of the bed thumped against the back of Aster's knees.

Ibby inched forward. “Do you taste good?” Her voice was a low growl, filled with lust and desire.

Arching her back, the human could only say one thing. “I would really like for you to find out.”

Ibby slowly pushed forward, resting one knee on the edge of the bed. Her hands dropped to Aster's shoulders and pushed her back, moving both of them until she was completely kneeling on the bed. Her tail wagged as she lapped at Aster's face, swirling her tongue around to gather up the juices that coated her face.

Aster moaned and gripped the blankets underneath her. She arched her back and pressed her breasts to her lover's. The soft furs, moist with wet kisses, felt good against her bare skin.

Ibby lapped down, working her mouth back and forth as she worked her tongue along Aster's collar and then down to her breast. “Oh, so smooth. Like a little puppy.”

“Oh, abail,” moaned Aster. Her hands twisted the blankets tighter.

That seemed to encourage the worg. She clamped her mouth on Aster's tit, sucking it into her mouth. She sucked and lapped harder, her sharp teeth digging but not piercing flesh. The wet slurps along the wrinkled tip sent little sparks of pleasure coursing through Aster's body.

Aster panted as she turned her head to the side. She lifted one leg to hook behind Ibby's back. The feel of the hard muscles underneath her skin was seductive as much as the tail snapping back and forth.

Ibby's hand cupped Aster's sex. She jammed one finger into the sex; there was no friction as the rounded claw plunged deep into the delicate inside.

Aster gasped as a wave of pleasure wracked her. “Abail!”

Ibby lifted her mouth. Her teeth had left little imprints into Aster's breast but her ministrations left the human tingling with pleasure. “You don't have a body of a puppy though,” she said with a toothy grin. “All adult. A smooth, soft adult.”

She lifted herself to pump her fingers deeper into Aster's sex. The short furs caressed and swirled inside, teasing in a way no human could ever hope. Stuffing a third finger into Aster, she used her considerable strength to pound her knuckles.

Aster whimpered and writhed on the blankets. Her hips rose to meet the steady smacks of her lover's thrusts. Each one set off tiny explosions pleasure. Her own juices soaked the thrusting fingers, adding her own sweet smells to the heady scent of worg cunt.

Ibby paused for a moment and then let out a growl. “I need to taste you.”

She pulled her fingers out and lowered her head, lapping along Aster's belly to the smooth mound of her sex. Without a hesitation, she slithered her long tongue down Aster's slit before plunging it into her pussy.

Stars exploded across Aster's vision. “Fuck!”

Ibby grabbed her lover's legs and pulled them up, almost bending Aster in half. With a growl, she opened her mouth wide and clamped down over Aster's opening. The bottom jaw scraped gently along her buttocks until it stopped near her tailbone.

Then she began to lap. It wasn't a delicate touch, but a probing thrust that sank deep into the human's drenched pussy. When she pulled out, she swirled up to taste the folds and then down.

Aster had no warning when the tongue laved along her sphincter. It lapped around the wrinkled opening until it was dripping with their combined juices.

Panting for air, she twisted and writhed even as she was wordlessly begging for more.

Ibby lapped up again, sucking hard. Her teeth dimpled flesh as she bit down on thigh and buttocks. Clamped into place, she lapped harder and gulped loudly. Her tongue probed and explored, seemingly touching every erogenous part of Aster's body.

Pinned and helplessly, Aster only wailed with pleasure as she was wracked with orgasms.

The alien jammed her tongue against her sex, shoving the powerful, squirming length into the opening. The pleasure was intense as she lapped and twisted it inside. Then, Aster could feel her gulping the juices that poured out from the orgasms the worg's tongue was evoking.

Aster lost herself in pleasure as she was laved into repeated orgasms, each one more powerful than the last. When Ibby finally pulled away and released her legs, she could only slump on the bed and quiver from the afterglow that suffused her body.

The worg thumped on the bed next to her, her furry body damp with sweat and spit. She panted as she hiked herself up on one elbow and looked across Aster's glistening body. “You do taste good.”

Panting, Aster smiled back. “Thank you.”

Ibby's ears perked up. “I should be thanking you for your service.”

“It was my pleasure and my job.”

With a chuckle, Ibby rolled on her back. “Get my drink, puppy.”

“Yes, abail.”

Aster could feel the low, growling moan as she got up grinning. She suspected there would be at least another round of pleasure before they went their separate ways.