The PRAS Quadruped was a trio of Qualtor 3R-4 engines and a Saber-Classic VI jump drive mounted on a medium-ranged Danabu hull. The engines were the right balance of speed and durability given it had one of the lowest energy signatures of modern spaceships. The jump drive was capable of jumping a few thousand beacons at a time but the fuel requirements ate up most of the storage.

Over the years, Luap had improved the ship's maneuvering rockets and armor plating, mostly reducing its profile on other ship's sensors. With the polychromatic plating on the hull, it was a ship that had been modified for one purpose: moving people from one end of the star system to the other as fast and quietly as possible.

At the moment, though, the PRAS Quadruped was tethered to one of the orbiting berths of the PODUI Nonapus. The ship looked more like a painted-up whore than a thief in the night. The polychromatic emitters were currently rendering a fractal pattern of reds and pinks across the entire surface. The tips of the engines and the snub-nosed cockpit were almost purple.

Hirhu sighed happily when she saw the ship. “Always good to get home.”

Her joints throbbed from the fight. Even though she told Luap that her hip wasn't a problem, the kick off from the wall had caused the burr to catch. She didn't mean to take out part of the wall as she jumped into the hall, nor did she expected the fight with the mercenaries to take so long. Every time she tried a boosted kick, a short caused her right leg to lose power.

Guiltily, she looked over at Luap.

He hadn't said much since they returned to their ship. His eyes flashed as he worked his computer. His vision didn't bounce as much as just remained fixed in a single point, his gaze unfocused as he concentrated on the details dancing along his senses.

It was part of the job and she knew she wasn't as usual for the initial planning. If she was lucky, he would be obsessed with rescuing the two girls that he wouldn't remember about the burr.

But she had to get it fixed before they went on the mission. Being the heavy hitter was her place in the universe now and she didn't want to disappoint Luap; she knew he would never reject her, but his life was saving people and she wanted to be there.

The only problem was how to broach the subject.

“You're squirming,” Luap said in a deep voice. It had the tone of being slightly distracted. When she looked up, he had one of his eyes turned off and his attention was focused directly on her.

A shiver of desire ran along her spine. There was something about his piercing eyes boring into her that had always brought a longing to her heart.

She rested her hands on her thigh. Her little black dress had ripped during the fight. She could feel the firm skin underneath. Without thinking, she slid her right up to her hip joint and pressed the sharp edge of the burr against her palm.

His eyes flickered down and then up. Slowly, he cocked his head and grinned.

Flushed, she pulled her hand away.

“Did you think I forgot about that?”

“I… wasn't sure….”

He reached over and tapped a button.

The screen flashed to mirror what he was looking at with his other eye. It was her. The capture of his vision during their fight.

He was focusing on the moment when she jumped onto the table and used the wall to shoot herself down the hall. It played in real time, a flash of movement took less than a second.

Then it rewound and slowed down, focusing on every millisecond of movement as she jumped against the wall. Notifications caught the moment where her joint plates had scraped as she had pushed off. His analysis identified the amount of friction that sapped her strength, the way her muscles tried to compensate, the angle that she had kicked off and how far it was from optimal, and even the strength of the arc of electricity that burst out of the short and scored her skin.

Diagrams overlaid themselves on his vision, breaking apart her cybernetics to identify where the damage was. To her surprise, the burr was actually a crack clear into the circuitry.

But at the same time, in slow motion, she watched as his eye tracker roamed her body. The slow slide as his physical body took in her appearance, almost as if he was making love to her with nothing but his gaze.

She flushed and smiled. Her body grew warmer and the welcoming tingle between her legs intruded her thoughts. She pressed her thighs together. “W-What about the mission?”

“I'll review that back on the Quadruped. You are more important now.”

She smiled.

“You should have told me sooner,” he said, his voice getting tenser.

“Sorry, I didn't think it was that big of a deal.”

Luap turned and reached over to capture her hand. His large palm easily engulfed hers and she felt tiny. “You, my love, are the most important thing to me. I must keep you safe and this is how I do it.”

“But my job is to keep you safe too.”

He brought her hand up to kiss the back of it. “Then, love, we are going to keep each other safe. So as soon as we get back, I'm pulling you apart—”

She inhaled sharply as a flash of heat raced along her nerves. It puddled on her nipples and clitoris, adding a sudden spurt of moisture to soak into her thong.

“—and I'm going to fix that. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Boss.”

He kissed her again. “Good. I've already queued up the printing of the parts, so it should only take an hour. It will take us that long to get out of the gravity well so we can jump.”

Blushing, she turned back to the display and ground her thighs together. She was more than wet now and couldn't wait until he got his hands on her.

The docking of the Her Smallest Finger into the Quadruped only took minutes but it felt like hours.

She was buzzing as she stood up and joined Luap at the airlock. With a happy sigh, she leaned against his muscular arm and hook her small arm on his bicep.

Luap gave her a smile that brought a pounding in her ears.

Hirhu gestured to the side. “Oh, remember the bottle?”

He leaned over and pulled out the fancy bottle of wine. She wasn't much of a drinker anymore, but she knew enough to appreciate a good vintage and she had heard of the label, Boreal Vineyard.

The door opened. On the other side was Qur, their rigger. Like Luap, he was a big man that towered over Hirhu. While Luap had pale skin with faint reddish tones of his Spanish ancestry, Qur had a much darker hue. He had a mixed heritage—Singaporean, Hawaiian, Nigerian, and Arabian—and embraced what he called as being “a mutt.”

He had white hair that was shaved on the sides and flat across the top. The tips were dyed a dark orange and the transition seemed to sparkle with the various fiber optics that were woven into his scalp. It gave the impression his hair was moving even though it was just a pattern from the fibers.

Qur was also much softer than Luap. He rarely left the ship, content to send out his drones during the missions. That left his body squishy and comfortable, with a gut that just spilled out over his sweats and large hands that were softer than anything Hirhu had known.

The rigger chuckled. “Hey, Boss. Got the job?”

Luap guided Hirhu. “Yep, it's a good one but risky.”

“Those are the best type of jobs.” Qur's eyes glanced over to Hirhu, the pale white orbs somehow getting the impression he was looking her over like a hunk of meat.

Hirhu shivered with pleasure and grinned back at him.

“Looks like doll got in a bit of trouble. Either that or you decided to fuck her stupid on the way home.”

She giggled and twisted her hips.

Luap rolled his eyes. “No, she helped me relax before the client, but I'm pretty sure she's primed enough you could probably make her cum if you gave her a couple good licks.”

Hirhu's pussy grew even slicker. She loved when they talked about her as if she wasn't there. She licked her lips and shifted so she was equidistance between both men.

Qur reached down and grabbed the thick bulge in his sweats. He was much bigger than Luap, almost thirty centimeters long and over twenty in girth. The thick length tugged on his knee. “You know, I wouldn't mind borrowing her for a round or two. My left hand is getting a cramp and Doris needs her gaskets replaced.”

Luap glanced at her and then back to Qur.

Hirhu squirmed. Her skin was burning as she thought about both men.

“Come on, I need to service her.” He gestured for Hirhu before heading down the port side corridor back toward the workshops.

“Two-on-one?” Qur said as he hurried after.

Hirhu fought back a moan as she followed after that. On the ship, she was just some holes to fuck and she loved it. She lowered one hand to tug up on her dress and cupped her pussy; she was already damp with anticipation.

Luap's workshop took up half of the remaining space in the hold. It was filled with fabrication plans, printers, CNC machines, and robotics to build the object that were too small for human eyes to even comprehend.

Hirhu headed straight for the largest bench in the middle. It had flexible lights and tool mounts sprouting from the back but her favorite place was right in the middle.

Qur's large hand cupped her buttocks as she approach. “Come on, doll, up in your seat.”

Without waiting for her response, he wrapped his hands around her chest and picked her up. Her weight bore down on him and ground her nipples into his thumbs. She let out a soft whimper as she was pushed into the padded cradle mounted in the center of the work bench.

“There we go, doll, spread your legs.”

The cradle had a wide, fork-shaped protrusion at the bottom. The tines were smoothed metal and larger than her hands. As she was put down, they slid up her inner thighs until they nestled on either side of her sex and caught on the metal plates of her joints. When he lowered her down, they spread her further apart until her labia spread open and her thong disappeared into the damp folds.

“Fuck, that is always a sexy sight,” Qur whispered as he wiggled her into place.

Hirhu moaned as she was pinned in place. The force kept her completely exposed. She could feel the fabric scraping against her clitoris. The smell of her sex, tangy and sweet, rose up as her cheeks settled into the individual cups of the cradle; if Luap wanted to, he could tilt her back and have full access to her asshole if… no, when he wanted.

Her nipples were aching as she settled back against the padding. Her toes curled and flexed as she lifted them to set them down in the stirrups.

“You want her detached? Legs? Arms?”

“Give me her right leg but put the rest up on the chargers.”

Qur's cock brushed against her leg as he reached up her thigh. He brought his thick fingers up against her sex, tracing the delicate folds on either side of the thong that no longer protected her. “Probably should get this out of the way too, huh?” he said in a low voice.

Hirhu whimpered and nodded. Then her eyes grew misty as he wrapped his thick fingers around the middle of the thong and pushed them both into her drenched opening.

He stretched her open as he pumped deeper.

“Qur,” Luap said with a sigh. “Can you hold off on fucking her until I get her leg?”

Qur pulled his finger out. They were dripping. “Sorry, Boss. It's hard to resist a pretty thing like this.”

He popped his fingers in his mouth for a second before reaching down again. This time, he palmed her entire sex while grabbing her leg.

At the touch of his firm grip, Hirhu sent the release command.

There was a faint hum and then the electromagnetic locks release. When Qur pulled, she felt the individual nerves disconnected in a wave of pleasure and dissonance. The sensation was not unlike having a thousand needles sliding along her sex.

She moaned as her limb came away, leaving only a flattened plate at the junction of her hips. Her pussy grew slicker as she looked down at the empty space where it used to be.

“Let's get that other one, then I can make sure this doll is properly stuffed.”

Hirhu panted as he switched hands. His thumb slipped into her sex, filling her as he held her down and twisted off her leg. The heavy weight left her, giving her a sensation of being free. The little dance of nerves teased her like a lover, pushing her closer to an orgasm as she tried to wiggle toes that were no longer connected.

Qur's cock was tenting his sweatpants. She could feel the heat radiating off it as he reached up. The hand that was just buried in her sex pressed against her lips and she obediently sucked on it, tasting herself as he pinned her against the back of the cradle while working her arm.

She squirmed as she released her arm. Then let out a long moan as it was pulled off her body, leaving not even a stump at the end of her shoulder.

Trying to flex her missing hand, she got even slicker when there was no body to respond. She turned and watch her other limb being pulled off, then looked down at her limbless body. The sight of it, her hard body that ws completely utterly, set off an orgasm that filled the workshop with a low needy moan.

Qur groaned himself as he hesitated, then hefted her arms and the last leg. Carrying it over to a large cabinet, he opened it up.

Inside were the rest of Hirhu's limbs: an array of arms and legs of different shapes and functions. Most of them looked like her own skin, pale with a hint of blue shading, but others were more mechanical. The arm with the rail gun was the hardest to miss, it was twice the length of the others, but there were others for hacking into safes, different firearms, and even a few that were suited for climbing the outside of tall buildings or spelunking in caves. At the end were experimental ones including the failed flamethrower they tried a year earlier.

Her legs went into the next cabinet, a cradle for each one that lit up with the charging status. Like her arms, they were all specialized for one-off jobs or general purpose.

Luap had made each one of them. They were his jewelry for her, little gifts that let her be more than human.

Hirhu loved every one.

Qur stripped out of his sweatpants and tossed them onto a resin printer as he returned to her. His cock bobbed with his movements, peeking out from his gut but still a long, thick spear of manhood that left her drooling from both ends.

Hirhu's eyes locked on to the bobbing length. After Luap teasing her and the rush from the combat, all she could think about was being stuffed full. Her pussy flexed with anticipation as she rocked her hips against the bracket that kept her in place.

Qur panted as he stepped into position. Without any legs to get in the way, his cock easily slid against her stomach and measured itself along her belly. At full length, it would easily reach the bottom of her ribs.

“Fuck me, please,” Hirhu whispered.

“How can I say no to that?”

Qur grabbed the base of his cock and then slapped the head against her sex. It was a heavy weight and she let out a little moan as it crushed her clitoris. The crown was a spear, designed to penetrate and plunge deep into her sex. With the juices already pouring out of her, there was would be little friction.

He grabbed her hip with his other hand as he brought the two together, sawing back and forth along her clitoris before moving the thick head up against her sex.

Hirhu could only gasped as she tried to reach out of for him, her helplessness only added ot her pleasure.

Qur grinned. “I could hold it here for hours.”

Luap walked behind him and gave his bare ass a loud smack.

Gasping, Qur jerked forward and rammed his cock head deep into her pussy.


Luap shook his head. “She needs a fuck, not romance.”

Qur shook his head. “Fucking ass, ruining the mood,” he muttered as he shoved more of his rock-hard cock deep into her sex.

Hirhu shuddered as she was pushed up out of her cradle.

He grabbed her hip and thrust deeper, working his cock in and out of her quim. With each thrust, she was stretched obscenely apart while the thick head burrowed deeper into her sex. “Little tight,” he grunted as he drew back and drove forward.

The force of his thrust pushed her up along the cradle. She moaned as she slid down, jerked along with his cock trying to shove into her tight hole.

Luap made a low, annoyed noise in his throat. He came around to the back of the bench. His hand reached down to pin her shoulder to the cradle.

With her not moving, the cock rammed deeper into her body. Her cries grew louder as he pounded.

“Qur, use the collar when she's on the cradle.” Luap sounded annoyed as he swung up a thick, padding collar from behind the cradle and over her throat. It clicked into place and pinned her down.

Unable to move with his thrusts, Hirhu was helpless as the cock plunged deep into her body. His crown smashed against her cervix and shoved it deeper into her body as he threw his weight into her. With every thrust, his belly caressed her stomach but she didn't care, she was lost in the world of pleasure and submission.

Luap reclined the cradle until she was flat on her back. His own cock bulged his pants.

Hirhu reached up with her mouth, the only part she could move, and nuzzled his ridge. She wanted it in her throat, to be spit roasted on two of her favorite cocks.

But Luap didn't move. Instead he focused on repair her limb as his eyes flashed.

“Almost… there….” Qur groaned. His thrusts were erratic, hard and pounding. Each thrust buried almost his entire length in her before the head smashed against her cervix and she was stuff. When he withdraw, the empty filling flooded her senses as she whimpered for more.

An orgasm sparked across Hirhu's senses. She let out a cry as she arched her back.

“Yes!” roared Qur as he hammered into her and then began to spew hot cum deep inside her cunt. Him painting her cervix with his seed, a threat of breeding her if her old agent hadn't had her sterilized a decade ago.

But the hot liquid felt good and she lost herself in another orgasm. She clenched her muscles around his cock as he pumped another spray and then a third.

Qur panted as he slumped against her. “Oh, I needed that.”

Luap stepped up to the other side of the bench. He was hard and she titled her head to mouth it through his trousers. “That's it? She's going to need more than that to get off after tonight.”

“Of course not,” Qur said as he straightened. “This was just to relax the pressure.”

He tensed his cock, causing it to flex inside her pussy, then resumed pumping ont her. Wet, sloppy slurps filled the air as he pounded faster.

Luap drew down his pants. Without looking down, he tilted her head back and then fed his length into her mouth.

Hirhu welcomed the taste of his length willingly. The sensation of being impaled from both ends was intoxicating and she writhed as much as she could as both men began to fuck her with ernest.

“So, the job is going to be a pickup,” Luap said suddenly.

Qur didn't hesitate. “Who?”

“Two daughters. Well, ones a ‘m-to-f’.”

“Pretty? Both? Either?”

“I'm pretty sure we're going to struggle to keep it in our pants when they're on the ship. They are both sexy as hell and I'm pretty sure they are the type who likes to party hard.”

Hirhu listened as they talked over her, ignoring her as nothing more than a pair of holes to relieve their lusts. The realization sent more waves of pleasure as she lost herself in another orgasm.

Luap planted one hand on her breast, squeezing roughly before he caught her nipple. With a pinch, he held her in place as he fucked her faster and harder. The hard shaft plunged into her throat, grinding her skin against the metal collar, before he drew out.

With each thrust, his balls smacked against her nose and she could smell his musk and the scent of cum. There was nothing else in her world, just a whole for two perfect cocks and waves of orgasms that never stopped crashing into her.

“Easy job?”

“Kidnapper, already threatening to kill them. Looks like they have a bit of money, but not state-level. So, short, violent, and to the point.”

The wet smacks of Qur's body as he drove his cock deep into her pussy grew louder. Every thrust hammered against her cervix, pounding with force that left stars crossing her vision.

“Fuck, I like those types of jobs. And you think they'll be thankful after?”

“At least one of them is going to be gagging for your cock.”

The massive length inside her swelled.

It didn't matter if Qur was imagining one of the Manske daughters or not, it was Hirhu that he was going to fuck at the moment. She cried out around the cock in her throat, coming hard and fast.

Luap grunted with his own thrusts as he pounded her face. “I'm thinking the job needs a Carlo, a Mendez, and at least a Spacer.”

Qur rammed himself home, shoving every millimeter of his giant cock into her body. The flash of pain mixed in with pleasure as he spewed inside her, flooding her insides with hot waves of cum. “Fuck! Got all of those!”

Luap took a few more seconds before he came. He left his cock buried in her throat, pumping directly into her stomach until it gurgled. When he pulled out, there was a little belch of cum.

He wiped his cock on Hirhu's face before giving her a little, friendly smack on the cheek. “We're going to talk to Lord Palapus, love. I'll be back in about an hour. You okay with marinating in this?”

Still cock- and orgasm-drunk, Hirhu nodded as she sucked on the cum that flooded her mouth. Her body was slick with sweat and juices.

Luap grabbed his pants as he gestured for Qur to follow. Without another words to her, they both left.

Hirhu moaned as she slumped into her cradle, enjoying the afterglow of her orgasms.

The light went out.

Another little thrill of pleasure coursed through her, then she leaned back to enjoy herself as the exhaustion of the day finally caught up with her and she slipped into a pleasure-filled nap.