Luap slipped his arm around Hirhu's waist as they stood in the airlock of the shuttle craft. It was the last bastion of their home before they entered the strange location and he couldn't help but feel the edge of anxiety beginning to gnaw at the edge of his senses.

Even though he was the “face” of their little group, very little good came out of the ultra-wealthy. They always had opinions of their own importance and they had all exchanged their souls for a balance in their bank accounts. But, they were also the only ones who could drop a year's worth of operating expenses on a mission and ensure that he had enough to treat his entire crew and pamper his love.

Turning to the side, he admired Hirhu. She was a tiny slip of a beauty, with B-cup firm breasts tipped with puffy nipples. He smiled at the idea of having his cum plastering her nipples to her dress. He had to admit, seeing the joints peeking out from underneath her dress straps brought as much joy as the brilliant smile that was plastered on her green lips.

Hirhu glanced at him, her gold and green eyes sparkling in the light. Her entire color scheme was coordinated by one of her internal systems, one of the few cybernetics implanted in her that he hadn't personally developed and installed.

Responding to internal cues, the display on his left eye flickered to life and he saw various diagnostics pop up in a cloud around her. They measured everything from her heart beat, the full charge in her batteries, and the status of her limbs.

What wasn't noted was the little burr and hitch in her leg. His sensors hadn't picked that up and it worried him. He couldn't have his work fail her. His job was to protect the sexy, 1.5 meter tall beauty on his arm.

He added a few to do tasks on his system but kept it active. They were going into hostile territory and he didn't want to go in blind. Hefting the bottle of '721 in his hand, he sent the commands needed to turn his own control systems into stealth mode.

The glow in his eyes faded as a little thing raced through his nervous system as the controls switched from visual to tactile. The thousand little connections along his hands, back, and legs gave him the ability to read his computer's output without giving a hint that he was still connection.

Stealth system activated, energy signature 53 μT.

“You're worried?” Hirhu asked as she leaned into him. Her head barely reached his shoulder.

“What makes you think that?”

“You just put your systems in stealth mode.”

Luap shook his head in amusement. He squeezed her tightly to his body. “How do you do that?”

“I don't know… just a feeling. I always know when you are watching me through your systems. Like that first time we met, there was something off about you.”

“Could it be that you were just underneath a few tons of steel at the time?”

She shuddered as a haunted look crossed her face. It was a low point in her life, one that sent her into a spiral of drugs and depression. It was only a chance meeting that they met again after her failed attempt at suicide.

Changing topic, he said, “No, I'm not that worried. Just better safe than sorry.”

She sighed.

“How is your charge?”

Her eyes came back into focus. “What? Oh, 99%. Almost topped off.”

Luap already knew the answer but it kept her thoughts occupied.

Underneath them, the ship shuddered as the space station tether connected. On the airlock, a display indicated that it would be opening in fifteen seconds.

The comforting sounds of air pressure being pumped into place and watching the various sensors in the door turn into green plus gave Luap a comforting feeling. Depressurization accidents were very rare, but he still couldn't help but the devil was in the details.

The airlock asked for approval to open and he gave it. When it swung around, he saw that the maître d'hôtel waited for them on the other side.

He was a tall man in a black tuxedo. He had slicked back hair and wire-framed glasses perched on the end of his nose. Like most people in space, he was relatively slender and had pale skin, no doubt from hours of working in the restaurant behind polarized windows.

“Good evening, sir and madam. My name is Renault and I am the maître d'hôtel and co-owner of this fine establishment. My purpose is to serve you and my great joy is to ensure you enjoy every second you are in my house.”

Luap's skin began to dance, he was being scanned.

You are being targeted by active scanning. Identifying sources…

Identified scanner: Kiladan r5000 Weapons Scanner

Identified scanner: Polgast B6 Biological Detection Suite v62.4.1

More systems were reported until he pressed his thumb with his fingertip to silence them. They were all expected scanners for a restaurant and were looking for foreign biological matter, weapons, and energy sources.

Making sure he didn't reveal his knowledge, Luap stepped forward. “Your voice on the communication system doesn't do you justice. You look exactly like I would expect you to look.”

Renault glanced down. “Thank you. Is that the '721 that you were desecrating?”

“Oh, yes.”

“May I?”

Luap handed it over.

Renault made a show of turning to the side to lift it up. He wore black gloves that were no doubt softer than a baby's skin. "Ah, as I suspected, you have irradiated your bottle. Safe enough to drink, but not something you should continue. As before, I promise a swap for a far superior choice.

As the maître d'hôtel spoke, the scans continued. They were deep and probing.

Luap had to admire how Renault was effortlessly stalled them while his detection systems looked for weapons and dangers. There were also hints of professionalism in the way he moved and spoke. He had trained to be in this position, either early in his career or as a passion later.

Turning away, Renault set down the bottle and picked up another. “Would you like to enjoy this here or take it with you?”

Inside, Luap cringed. He didn't like trusting anyone, much less people. He waffled for a microsecond before he gestured back to his shuttle craft. “Mind if we take it with us for later?”

Renault handed it over, one hand cradling the neck while the other rested the bottom ridge against the palm of his other hand.

Luap took it.

The '702 wasn't a Dis Habaner, but a Boreal Vineyard. It was also a thousand ABOL bottle of wine compared to the '721 which was 300 ABOL at best.

“Oh my,” Hirhu said with a gasp.

“Nothing but the best,” Renault said with a broad smile to her. The expression didn't quite reach his eyes as he looked over Hirhu with a measured look that took her in.

Then, his eyes widened slightly.

Luap tensed.

A second later, he felt Hirhu tensing. There was fear in her eyes.

Renault suddenly stepped back, leaving the bottle of wine behind so he could bow. “My apologies, I did not mean to stare. That was impolite and I was out of place.”

He bowed deeply.

“Y-Yeah.” Hirhu blushed and looked away. Luap's sensors caught that her heartbeat was accelerating and she was uncomfortable.

“I feel the need to remind you that the TKARG Glorious Prominence Upon the Stars prides itself in the privacy of her patrons and no network traffic is allowed outside of the station. We also have suppressors on recording equipment of any type. If you choose to remain anonymous, you shall.”

The words were directed directly toward Hirhu who squirmed as a blush colored her cheeks. Her grip on Luap tightened as she nodded.

Renault glanced at Luap. There was a new look in his eyes, a surprising curiosity behind the suddenly too-human look. Then he bowed. “Please, madam, if you follow me, I shall guide you to your host.”

Luap hurried back to the airlock and put the bottle into the bomb-proof and shielded container near the front door. He would deal with that later, preferably right before a jump.

Luap tried to relax himself despite the desire to protect Hirhu from her past. If Renault knew who Hirhu was in a past life, they were going into circles where her previous fame might become a danger to her. He ran through a few commands to start scanning devices around him.

Starting passive sensory sweep

“He knows,” she whispered as she walked next to him.

He nodded but his thoughts were distracted as he started to process the results of his pings from the hundreds of mobile devices in the private rooms in all directions. Most of them were hardened against automated intrusions, but he was able to glean information on their owners enough to follow their social feeds.

True to Renault's word, there was no off-station network access but the local network was alive with commentaries, reviews, and the usual noise of the social networks that clustered when folks gathered. They were all encoded to be unusual without the station's private key which meant that if they avoided drawing attention, only Renault would have knowledge about his love.

That didn't stop him from invoking automated hacking attempts against the devices that were obviously in use and didn't appear to be the numerous honey pots no doubt installed by the restaurant; they really should use different models of appliances to catch folks like him.

It took only a few minutes to walk along the winding corridors until they came up to a real wooden door, “The Rose Suite.”

Renault knocked thrice before he turned. “Please, take advantage of our services and enjoy your stay. Your patron will be covering your expenses.”

“Come in,” said someone on the other side.

Renault opened the door and stepped away.

Luap entered with his arm around Hirhu.

There were three men in the room: two body guards on either side of the door and the man who would be hiring them.

Their patron, Dougir Manske, was a silver-haired man in excellent health. His biography said that he was 158 but that meant little when money could buy a few centuries of a comfortable life. He had a neatly trimmed moustache and short hair, but otherwise was clean-shaven.

Dougir stood up and gave a sweeping wave of greeting. “Ah, the famed Luap.”

Luap released Hirhu and waved back. “I really doubt I'm that famous.”

“I beg to differ. When I was looking for contractors, you came up as being very specific about the type of requests you take and you have a reputation of refusing to use lethal ordnance. Six years of recorded jobs and not a single fatality.”

Luap shook his head. “Two fatalities.”

“Yes, but one was your own crew being shot while in custody of the Port Rason authorities, which is remarkable because your ship is still registered as PRAS.”

“We had come to an accord.”

“No doubt. The harbormaster was on the one who recommend you. Again, I find it interesting since the only other one who died during your missions was his own—”

Luap held up his hand. “Please forgive me if I don't really want to hear the rest of this? I acknowledge your research, but I consider that day one of my greatest failures.”

“It was clearly not your fault.”

“It doesn't matter, I take my job seriously.”

“Good, because I have a serious job. Sorry, please, have a seat and order whatever you and your… wife…?”

Hirhu looked up at Luap and smiled broadly. She had on her cute face as she slipped her hands along her tight buttocks to smooth off her dress before sitting down.

“Companion,” Luap said as he sat down. “Marriage is not in our cards.”

Dougir also sat down. He had a small plate with a few crumbs and smears of sauce on it, appetizers from the appearances.

Near the door, the two guards arranged themselves on either side. They were large, muscular men. Both had a large energy pistol and a matching baton in holsters. The one closest to Luap had a Verdi beard with a classical mahogany tint, with a black, waxed mustache. The other was clean-shaved with stylistic tattoos along the back of his neck and up against the rear of his ears.

Both had cybernetics, at least communication systems but it looked like some physical enhancements. He could feel the encrypted communications around them and the model numbers that whispered against his nervous system suggested that both had boosted speed, strength, and durability mods.

Three individual networks identified.

All three have active TruLock Intrusion Countermeasure Systems and valid licenses.

Systems are currently on deny list of automatic penetration.

As much as he wanted to know what was going on, Luap wasn't going to break into his patron's personal network for information.

Unaware of his thoughts, Hirhu tapped on the controls. She was playing the companion bit perfectly though their close proximity also told him that she was on edge as her eyes flickered from one person to the other. There was little to suggest her actions as she swiped through the appetizers section.

Dougir cleared his throat. “I have to admit, you aren't what I expected.”

“Oh, why?”

Gesturing to Luap, Dougir said, “You are a… healthy looking man. At first glance, you would look at place as one of my guards.”

Luap glanced at the guards. They were built like him: broad shouldered and muscular. Luap may have a little more gut than them, but he was sure that he could hold his own in a fist fight with either of them. If he could hack their hardware, he could take on both.

“But my research suggests you are… were a medical technician.”

“Surgeon, actually.” Luap favored the richer man with a smile. “I specialized in remote and mechanical surgical techniques. I was also a industry leader for programming biomedical systems and developing cybernetic control systems.”

“Yet you turned away from a rather profitable career to become… a….”

“A mercenary?”

Dougir's jaw tightened. “Yes.”

Luap cringed, he hated that part of his life. “Yes, many hospitals still use devices I've created.”

“I wasn't going to mention that but I did get those numbers.”

“But I also assigned most of the intellectual properties to foundations where they could do more good than I could provide. I found a new calling, one that fits me far better.”

“A long way from surgeon to mercenary.”

Luap shrugged.

“But that explains why you came here wearing a tuxedo and with your girlfriend hanging on your arm.”

Hirhu glanced up and smiled vacuously. “Pardon?”

“Nothing, just men talking,” Dougir said.

Luap breathed a sigh of relief. It was clear that Dougir didn't know who Hirhu was in a previous life, which was more of a concern than his own past. “So, if I came up wearing combat fatigues, do you think Renault would have let me in the front door?”

With a grin, Dougir shook his head.

“So, when you asked to meet me, I wore the appropriate outfit.”

“And your girl?”

Luap glanced at her.

She smiled back.

“Well,” Luap said without taking his eyes off her, “when you are going among the rich and beautiful, one should take the most beautiful woman with them. Best to remind people that a goddess walks among them.”

Hirhu's smile grew broader. Her breathing grew faster as she squeezed his hand.

Luap turned back.

Anomaly detected in nearby social networks: +314% messages/second in the last sixty seconds.

He dismissed the warning.

“Well, unexpected,” Dougir said. “Pleasant. I appreciate folks who know how to handle things.”

There was a brief silence.

Anomaly detected in nearby social networks: +885% messages/second in the last sixty seconds.

Anomaly detected in nearby social networks: 23 emergency notifications sent in the last sixty seconds.

That was wrong. Luap closed his eyes in a slow blink and switched back to his visual system. His nervous system tingled as the thousand little points along his nervous system quieted and he saw a full display of what his computer was trying to tell him.

Broadcasted images painted themselves across his vision, sent by others in the restaurant as they reacted to an intrusion. Most were quick snapshots of armed soldiers passing with queries passed around like gossip.

There were six of them, mercenaries wearing black body armor and face masks. All of them had energy rifles and had matching sidearms with extended capacity energy packs. Two of them also had firearms, a dangerous weapon to have on a space station.

Luap glanced at Dougir. For a man who paid a million ABOL to have him fly across the system, he wasn't in a hurry to explain the job. To the side, the guards were casually standing there but the one with a beard had a smile on his face that wasn't there before.

Concern raced along his senses. Luap kept his eyes on the door as he leaned over. “Hey, love?”


“Why don't you see if they have real apples on the menu.”

Her smile froze for just a moment as he said one of the code words for danger. Then it came back as her voice lifted slightly. “Oh, how many pieces?”

There were six of them, so two to the third with an answer of “one” being one and “three” for four or less. “Four, love. Two now and two to take home. If Mr Dougir doesn't mind?”

Dougir shrugged. “I doubt they have any fresh fruit at this time, but if they do, go ahead. If they do, please order me one? It's been a decade since I've had a real apple.”

Hirhu giggled and clapped her hands. The middle clap was slightly off-center, striking the side of her hand with a triple tap.

Hirhu's level two combat systems activating.

Estimated time to charge: 99.2 s

In his augmented vision, he could see the hidden capacitors begin to gather a charge as the internals of her arms and legs began to reconfigure for combat. The countdown locked into the corner of his vision.

Luap glanced at the men around them. They were relaxed but the guard's smile worried him. It was a smirk of someone who knew something was going on, but Luap wasn't sure if Dougir was aware of the mercenaries approaching them.

Keeping his face smooth, Luap continued speaking even as he was sending out commands. “You know how hard it is to get fruit. You have to take it any time you have it.”

“Oh, I know. I have lemon trees on my estates. They cost a hundred thousand a year, but there is something about the natural sweet and sour that chemicals can't quite match.”

In his vision, the restaurant's video feeds popped up. He saw Renault pulling himself up from behind his desk. He had blood on his forehead and a red mark over his eye. With a snarl, he slammed a pulse rifle from behind the counter on the top.

It was a A89, a weapon that usually only infantry would use. It wasn't sexy or looked pretty, it was a weapon for the battlefield. Capable of high rate of fire and adjustable aperture, it was also weapon suited for fighting in hallways and close quarters.

Luap's opinion of Renault increased. He reached out and connected their networks.

Added 9dl0ngv243mtwupp0wcca9fphhrgyhnecf8zs0rr38c36v2sz3ts7qtuln as Renault.

Luap: There are six combat-ready individuals disrupting your restaurant. Do you need assistance?

Renault: Yes. They broke through the airlock. I have summoned the authorities, but they are jamming communications. Blast doors are activated, but that is only going to slow them down. My priority is to protect my customers.

Luap: Are they here for anyone specific?

On screen, Renault tapped on his display rapidly.

Luap continued to speak to Dougir as he planned his own actions. It was getting hard, but there was a nagging feeling that something was off. “Sadly, jumping plays hell with most growing plants. If I could, I would have a garden on our own ship.”

Hirhu sighed. “Oh, I'd love to have raspberries. I had one when I was younger and I could never forget the taste.”

Estimated time to Hirhu combat readiness: 35.4 s

Luap sighed. He wished he knew what was happening. His paranoia said that they were coming for him or Dougir, but it could just be a coincidence. It didn't matter though, he would join in to help even if he wasn't their target.

Renault: They are heading for your room. I'm activating countermeasures to protect your patron. I recommend all of you take the following route to safety.

“Shit,” Luap said as the map floated into his vision.

Hirhu glanced at him.

He stared directly at Dougir. It had to be a test, which would explain the stalling and smirk. Taking a risk, he said, “Are your men going to get in the way?”

Dougir's face pressed into a thin line. “When did you figure it out?”

In the corner of his vision, the two guards smirked.

Luap: This is a stars-damned test for me. Dougir sent them.

“Sixty seconds ago. I don't like being tested.”

Renault: Then he is banned.

Luap: Remove the countermeasures and give them a clear path to the door. It's going to get very violent in a moment and I need to keep your other customers out of the way.

Renault: Done.

Renault has granted access to space station control systems. Access withdrawn in 128 seconds.

“Your site says there is an up-charge for testing you.” Dougir said as he leaned forward. "I want to make sure you are as good as people say you are, my girls' lives are at stake." There was something fierce in his eyes.

The guard with the beard spoke up. “They have live ammo and orders to shoot to kill.” Unlike Dougir, the guard seemed amused.

“Yes, at ten times our normal rate because it wastes our time and puts everyone at risk.”

“I have to know,” Dougir said.

No longer having to be stealthy, Luap took control of the various controls in the system, cataloging them as he found what he could use. He also started automated hacking attempts against the guards' and Dougir's personal networks.

In response to his command, the door to the room popped open violently. It slammed into the far wall.

Both guards jumped.

Down the hall, the six mercenaries were just coming around the corner. They had their weapons out and the tell-tale glow indicated they were ready to fire.

Luap stood up. “Love? Shall we?”

Hirhu shoved her chair back. She hopped onto the table, braced her foot against the menu console, and then jumped toward the wall opposite of the door.

Dougir's eyes bulged open as he scrambled back.

She flipped over to plant her feet against the wall. The air fluttered around her, revealing her black thong and glistening stomach.

Before gravity could yank her down, she kicked off.

A gigawatt worth of accelerators in her legs activated in a nanosecond. The air cracked as she blasted her way through the open door. There was a loud bang noise as a fist-sized chunk of the metal door frame was ripped out.

The wall she kicked off had been dented almost a meter.

Luap was right behind her, though considerably slower. He jumped over the guard that had dropped from the air rushing after Hirhu.

As soon as he was past the door, he moved to one wall to reduce his profile and charged after his love.

At the end of the hall, there was a two human-shaped dents in the steel walls. The two men were still embedded in the holes as their arms and legs flailed as they tried to break themselves free.

Hirhu fought with the third and forth, trading blows in a blur as she fought against the two cybernetically enhanced individuals. They were all boosted to the point of being faster than a mortal eye could see, but Luap's systems were specialized to predicting movements so it looked like his love was dancing with the two.

On the far side, the remaining two mercenaries were bringing their weapons up to fire

He focused his attention on them, sending automated hacks against their personal networks. It was harder with military hardened networks, but he had been doing it for a long time and had a vast array of 0-days and custom code for this very purpose.

Before the first shooter got his gun up, Luap had broken into his network.

Luap registered a random key into the biometric lock system. It was a subtle hack, but when the shooter pulled the trigger nothing happened.

The second shooter was using his projectile launcher with an older security system that Luap couldn't hack.

But, before the second gun could be fired, Luap got a notification that one of his automated systems had broken into the group's private communication network. Without hesitating, he send a full-volume sine wave blasting through their headsets, the contents of an entire encyclopedia through their text networks, and sending blinding videos across the feed.

Their opponents hesitated as their eyes lit up.

Hirhu caught one of them in the stomach, folding them over with a hard punch that probably tore some internal organs loose. The other, she grabbed the front of the mercenary. Her arms bulged for a second and then she tore away the armor material to expose the chest of a large-breasted woman covered in tattoos. With a snarl, she planted both of her smoking hands on the woman's breasts and then activated her pulse charge.

The entire room lit up as a hundred thousand volts exploded across the woman's nervous system.

One of the side doors slammed open, punching the second shooter in the face.

The mercenary let out a short-lived scream and then collapsed.

Panting, Hirhu spun around. Her little black dress flared up as she took two steps, dropping to her knees, and punched the kneecaps of the remaining shooters. The sound of shattered bones was clear even through the protective layers of armor.

They hit the ground screaming.

She smoothly stood up and looked at the six downed opponents and then back at Luap. “More?”

Rapid footsteps filled the hallways. Luap concentrated on the video feeds to see that the station security was arriving, lead by Renault and his rifle.

Luap looked into his love's flushed face. “I love you,” he said. It was a code word for her to stand down, but it was also what he felt as he watched the fire burning in her eyes.

She froze, and then let out a sigh. Her golden eyes subsided, fading into the mottled green and gold as her combat systems deactivated.

Renault burst into hallway. He glanced at Luap before ordering the security behind him. “Secure these invaders!” he snapped.

Luap held out his arm for Hirhu.

She sank into his grip, her tiny body trembling. She was burning hot from the expenditure of energy. Her arms were almost searing enough to boil water but he still held her tight despite the scalding heat.

“How's your charge?” he whispered.

“38%. I'm going to need to get topped off soon.”

“Keep them activated but I think we're almost done. Come on, let's talk to Dougir.”

Together, they walked back down the hall.

Both guards stood in front of the door. The bearded one held out his hand. “You can go in but I'm not going to let her—”

Luap noticed that he had gained full access to their personal networks.

He triggered a purge on both of them, erasing stored pictures and chats, de-registering their guns, and removing their access from their own homes and vehicles.

The guard paled.

“Out of my way,” Luap commanded.

“Let them in.” Dougir seemed amused by everything.

The two men didn't stop Luap or Hirhu as they entered.

Renault followed after them. “Excuse me, Dougir Manske, before you get comfortable. I have registered a complaint with the restaurant guild in this system. After arbitration, you have been banned from all TKARG services for five centuries. You have two minutes to get off the TKARG Glorious Prominence Upon the Stars before I will have you arrested.”

Dougir was starting to sit down. He stopped and then shrugged. “Very well, I'll—”

“Furthermore, the Tabik Karasun Association has fined you one million ABOL and one million UBAN.”

Dougir looked annoyed, then he waved his hand dismissively. He turned to Luap. “Walk with me? I will pay you twenty million ABOL to save my daughters.”

Luap wanted to say no, but twenty million of the higher value currencies was difficult to say no. He sighed and then released Hirhu to walk next to Dougir.

The richer man handed over a tablet. There was a video already queued up.

Luap played it. The first thing he saw was two, young women with short, spiky hair on their knees. Their mascara had run and they had black circles around their eyes. They had been bound with their wrists behind their backs. They were wearing dresses suited for club hopping, but the material was ripped and torn to reveal tight bodies underneath.

“One billion ABOL in three solar days or we're sending parts of your son and daughter to you in very small boxes.” The voice was distorted and rumbling, a voice changer, but Luap caught some interference that might give a clue of where they were.

One of the girls sobbed as she looked up. “Daddy! They killed Gasol and Por! They shot them! Please, we're so scared!”

The other was crying, her eyes puffy. She had a micro-skirt on and the smallest of bulges underneath her exposed panties. There was also an outline of a tiny lock, a cock cage Luap guessed.

The voice spoke again but the person record was careful not to show themselves. “Three solar days or you'll get your babies back in pieces, starting with their balls and clit.”

A gloved hand reached into camera view to grab the silent one. Fingers dug into her face as she had her head pushed back to reveal a thick collar around her neck. “And if there is any hint of a security or military force, then these collars are going to pop their heads back and you'll be getting jellied brains.”

Hirhu leaned over and tapped the screen. “They were on Jense-3 right before this.”

Dougir stumbled. “What? How do you know that?”

Luap held up the tablet.

Hirhu tapped on the rewind. The hand had the smallest sliver of skin visible between the glove and their sleeve. On it was a small series of pictographs. “That's the stamp they use at the Firesun Club on Jense-3. I played… I was there a few years ago, but I remember their logo. It automatically fades after twelve hours, but that will tell you how long it was since it was stamped.”

“Are you sure!?” Dougir asked, his eyes burning. “Please tell me you know where my babies are.” Then he snarled. “Why didn't my systems know that?”

Luap held out his hand but didn't look away from Hirhu. “Take the job?”

Hirhu nodded, her green eyes locked on the screen. “Those girls are so scared and helpless. I remember that feeling. It's the same reason you are out here in the dark.”

Luap turned his attention to Dougir. “Thirty million. Send us everything including the original video before you opened it. Half up front, put the rest in a PRAS, ACHOL, or BECAM escrow.”

“Deal. I have accounts with BECAM.”

Behind them, Renault cleared his throat. “Great, now that it is done, I want you off my station in sixty seconds. You will be billed for the physical and reputation damages, Mr Manske.”

Luap saluted Renault before taking the love of his life and his best hand-to-hand fighter back to his ship.